Absence management
Advanced face-to-face communication at work
Appraisal skills
Assertiveness skills: a practical approach
Becoming an effective consultant
Blogging: writing a blog that works hard for your organisation
Budgeting for non financial managers - 1 day
Building personal resilience and beating stress
Business planning: turning the vision into reality
Business writing skills
Coaching skills for managers
Coaching your Team
Communication in the workplace
Conducting a formal hearing (disciplinary, capability, absence)
Confident and effective presentations
Conflict resolution: an introduction
Creating inclusive spaces for transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people
Creative thinking and innovation toolkit
Customer care and telephone skills
Delegation skills
Developing a growth mindset for success
Developing your personal brand
Digital writing: writing for websites, enewsletters, blogs and other social media
Discipline and managing conduct at work
Effective feedback and conversations
Effective mentoring
Effective office management
Email newsletters and ebulletins
Emotional intelligence in management and leadership
Employment law for people managers 1 day workshop
Employment law for people managers 2 day workshop
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Essential skills for administrators
Event management: an introduction
Event management: intermediate
Facilitation skills
Family-friendly working
Finance skills for non financial managers
Focus groups
Grammar and punctuation at work
Handling difficult people and situations: essential tools
Handling difficult people and situations: extending your skills and confidence
Handling the press and media: how to get your story covered
Handling written complaints
How to organise stand out virtual events
Human Resources: the essentials
Impactful presentations: two-day masterclass
Increasing performance with positive psychology
Influencing skills
Internal communication
Interview skills for managers
Leading virtual and remote teams
Leading with authenticity
Listening skills
Managing a media crisis
Managing better meetings
Managing change
Managing underperformance, absence and stress
Managing volunteers
Marketing: getting your message across
Mindfulness at work: an introduction
Minutes: taking and writing effective minutes
Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment: making a difference
Motivating and inspiring your workforce
Moving from manager to leader - taking on a senior management role
Moving into management - taking on your first management role
Moving up in management - extending your management skills
Negotiation skills
Networking and representing your organisation
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Personal development review: manager’s tool kit
Personal effectiveness: be more confident at work
Persuasive copywriting
PR strategies that work
Preparing tenders and proposals: the pitch, process and presentation
Presenting with PowerPoint: a practical workshop
Professional writing skills for non-native English speakers
Project management
Radio and television interviews
Receptionist training: becoming an exceptional receptionist
Recruitment and selection: finding the right person for the job
Report writing skills
Reputation management: create a powerful reputation for your organisation
Advanced Minutes: formal minute taking for Board and Governance meetings
Anti-harassment and anti-bullying in the workplace
Business writing skills for ESL (English as a second language) Two-day programme
CV writing and interview skills
Disability and mental health awareness
Gender equality
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
How to brand an initiative, range or product
Induction: creating an effective induction programme
Introduction to counselling skills in the workplace
Introduction to leadership
Leading an inter-generational workforce
Marketing in the not-for-profit sector: a beginner’s guide
Mediation skills for managers
Partnering for success
Problem solving: tools to enhance your performance