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Digital writing: writing for websites, enewsletters, blogs and other social media

Course summary

As we increase our online communications and understand just how important online audiences are to our success, many staff are realising that web copywriting requires very particular skills. Whether you’re contributing to your organisation’s website, developing a corporate blog or building a Twitter campaign this one-day course will give you the ability to write compelling content that gets you the results you need online.

Course dates and location

All our training courses are being delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Please note: we allow a maximum of three people per organisation on our Individual training courses.

Our next available course dates for individuals are:

  • 5 November, 2024 — 15% off
  • 14 January, 2025

We can deliver this course virtually for your organisation, on a date and time that suits you. If you have four or more people who would like to attend this course then group training could be the most cost-effective option. Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030 or email for more information and a quote.

  • Course outline

    Throughout our Digital writing training course you will be shown how readers look at screens, and how to structure your writing accordingly. You will learn the right style and tone for your organisation online and will see how to structure your copy to keep readers reading and clicking on your links. By the end of the day you will feel confident of developments online and able to write powerful content quickly and effectively.

    Over the day you will cover:

    Digital writing – the essentials

    • why people leave websites, and what will make them stay
    • what is copywriting and how is it different to other forms of writing?
    • the right style and tone for your audience
    • how users look at websites and blogs – writing for scanability
    • structuring for success – headings and subheadings pull readers in
    • call to action – motivate your readers
    • increasing Facebook interaction through headings

    Search engine optimisation

    • write for the user: an up-to-date approach
    • long-tail keywords and why they work
    • your corporate blog as a strategic tool
    • scheduling and promoting blog content
    • top tips on writing a corporate blog
    • driving traffic through Twitter
    • persuasive writing
    • building around the benefit to readers

    Writing eNews – the essentials

    • the From address
    • subject lines that stand out in the inbox
    • writing effective teasers - using your eNewsletter to drive traffic back to your site

    Digital writing exercise

    • choose between two briefs and put everything you’ve learnt into action

    Evaluating your own writing and the writing of others

    • evaluation and feedback exercise

    Plus a year of free support

    All our training courses are delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.



  • Who is this course for?

    This Digital writing course is aimed at anyone who needs to write for their website, corporate blog or other social media. This web writing course is equally useful for those new to writing web copy and those who have been producing online content for some time but want to think strategically about what they are doing and are looking for some fresh ideas. Please note, this is a writing course and focuses on content. You will not be taught design or build.

    The Centre works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector.

  • What will this course help me do: learning outcomes?

    This Digital writing course takes place in our central London training suite and will help you write great web content for your organisation. You will come away with the skills and confidence you need to develop your online communications and ultimately to promote your services, build community and increase business for your organisation.

  • Other courses to consider

    In addition to Digital writing, the Centre offers a wide range of writing courses that will improve your online communications further. These courses include: Email newsletters and ebulletinsCopywritingBlogging and Speed reading.

    You may also wish to consider the Centre's popular Proofreading course.

  • Course fee
    • £469 plus VAT not-for-profit price (applies to charities and all other not-for-profit organisations, including public sector and housing)
    • £522 plus VAT standard price (applies to all other organisations)

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