Learning in lockdown: Changes, Challenges and Champions
Without exception, 2020 was a challenging year filled with constant change, however I have never been so proud of the people I work with and the apprentices I have supported. From the beginning of the lockdown so much had to change in relation to how we
Mastering Uncertainty
In this blog, we will look at ways on how to navigate and blossom during these harsh times.Overview: Tips on treating yourself well: Building resilience during uncertainty Developing a growth mind-set: Overcoming challenges Stepping onto the Battlefield: Being ready to capture opportunitiesTreat yourself wellIt
Emotional Intelligence in 2020 isn’t a “nice to have”, it’s a MUST!
Do you remember back at the start of this year when we used to kid ourselves that we appreciated the importance of emotional intelligence? We may have even prided ourselves that we were quite good at it! But on what basis did we think that.
Black History Month Blog
Despite the fact that black people have been in the UK since at least the 10th century, we are still quite alien to the land - this is not the point of this blog. The point is to recognise the thriving of the black woman
Third Sector Blog
Since the Centre was established in 2002 we’ve always supported and championed organisations that put people at the heart of their work. Unsurprisingly this means we’ve built up strong relationships across the third sector, particularly here in the UK. From campaigning, liberation, research and
Equality Diversity and Inclusion
I remember when I attended my first equality focussed training course – so we are talking the early 00s, and in care in the community role. The session went something like this, “Don’t say this, don’t do that, that’s sexism, that’s racism,
Emotional Intelligence in Management and Leadership
Emotional Intelligence is a phrase that was coined by Daniel Goleman in the 1990’s and is now being used more and more, being seen as something that managers need to possess if they are to “get on”.Traditionally intelligence has been measured using qualifications and
What are the benefits of attending a Communication at work course?
As a workplace Coach and trainer, this question is a no brainer for our Communications expert Jeffrey Wotherspoon, who says:Over the years I’ve realised this isn’t the case for a lot of people, and most people wouldn’t consider investing in a
As a manager, can you afford not to also be a coach?
Our leadership expert, David Goodman, recently attended a seminar where a discussion took place about whether it is a manager’s role to coach their staff. We are familiar with management which focuses on the importance of setting targets, supporting your team to achieve those