Oct 30 2014
​Appraisal: what are appraisals and who benefits from them?

What are appraisals? 

Appraisals are the process by which staff and managers set aside dedicated time, usually once a year or so, to look at how things have gone for the individual over the past year, and to plan for the year ahead. It works best as part of a performance management system that also includes regular, less formal and less time-consuming, one-to-one supervision sessions. Appraisals are rapidly becoming a standard and valuable part of good management practice, across the voluntary and public sectors, as well as the business world.

It can take account of the views of the manager, the appraised person and, sometimes, other stakeholders in the appraised person’s work

An appraisal usually provides: 

  • an opportunity to step away from day to day work in order to review the past, monitor performance, deal with learning needs and plan for the future
  • an opportunity to prepare, on both sides, for a considered discussion
  • assessment of performance against agreed objectives and standards
  • some standard paper work: an appraisal form, the completed version of which usually constitutes the written record. There is often also a self-evaluation form, for the appraisee to complete first. This may or may not form part of the written record
  • an interview, followed by an agreed action plan, and a written record
  • an appeals process, for when the manager and the staff member cannot agree

Seeing the bigger picture 

Appraisals should provide a chance to stand back and take stock. First and foremost, it should provide the opportunity for praise and the acknowledgment of achievements. It should also help individuals to understand how their work contributes to the work of the team, and of the organisation. Performance issues can be clarified and addressed, and support and training needs discussed. Individuals’ voices can be heard, within the wider organisation.

The benefits of an appraisal 

An appraisal can bring many benefits for the organisation, as well as for the individuals working within it. Appraisals should benefit:

  • the appraisee
  • the appraiser
  • the organisation

Benefits for the appraisee

  • opportunity for uninterrupted discussion with line manager to review achievements and any difficulties
  • planning opportunity for the coming year
  • opportunity to review personal development needs and career aspirations
  • opportunity to review job description in the light of new duties or changing circumstances
  • opportunity for feedback to the manager, both positive and negative
  • renewed motivation

Benefits for the appraiser

  • enhances communication with staff
  • promotes the alignment of personal targets with team goals and plans
  • identifies areas of confusion/overlap within the team
  • promotes understanding of the manager’s style
  • opportunity to review job description in the light of changing team needs

Benefits for the organisation

  • ensures strategic decisions are implemented throughout the organisation
  • enhances communication within the organisation
  • resultng in a directed and motivated workforce
  • identifies the building blocks of the organisation’s training plan

Some staff in smaller organisations may feel they do not need such a system. The directors may think that they know their staff and how they feel. As good managers, they are ‘always appraising’: they praise achievement and pick up on any problems or difficulties as they arise. They may feel that there is something artificial about going through such a formal process when ‘we all know each other so well’. Nevertheless it can be extremely valuable to set aside time for a formal review with each colleague – an appropriate and allocated forum for calm dialogue, reflection and planning - even in the best-run organisations.

Find out more

This article is taken from our one-day Appraisal skills training course - perfect for any manager who wants to understand the appraisal process and improve their own appraisal interview skills. This course will give you a sound overview of the appraisal process as well as helping you make the most of the appraisals for your own team. 

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