Dec 08 2020
Mastering Uncertainty

In this blog, we will look at ways on how to navigate and blossom during these harsh times.


  • Tips on treating yourself well: Building resilience during uncertainty
  • Developing a growth mind-set: Overcoming challenges
  • Stepping onto the Battlefield: Being ready to capture opportunities

Treat yourself well

It is important to focus on our own mental wellbeing during the pandemic, because if we cannot help ourselves – How can we help others?

When we improve our health, we can carry out our day-to-day activities from a place of strength and not desperation, which is why it is important to stay proactive during this winter and try to get sunlight & fresh air where possible to keep mental clarity.

As we head into winter, it is vital to find ways to maintain our fitness level through physical activity. During the winter months we are known to stay indoors more and likely to be fixated on gadgets. For your own well-being it is advised to control your use of social media and screen-time, as misuse of the internet may cause your mental health to decline. If you are inclined to use social media, use it to learn about your passions and interests.

To get out of your comfort zone, be curious to learn & become productive with your time, whether it is learning about personal development or pursuing your passions through creativity.

It is often said, depression is the lack of expression; bottling up negative emotions is the path of destruction, to avoid this, spend time watching the things you say about yourself when things go wrong.

Build your safety net

Get in touch with family and friends, this could be via social media, telephone calls, or visiting them. Research has proven that having a strong support network has many positive benefits. During these times, it is important to maintain a social life as isolating yourself has harmful effects to our mental health.

If you are unable to contact family or friends, a suggestion is you can join an online community where you can meet others who are passionate or share same interests on the same topics as you, thus creating your own support network virtually.

Developing a Growth Mind-set

The key to having a growth mind-set, is to see hard times as a stepping stone. Change your perspective, whilst society expects you to panic, be the person to find solutions.

By being solution orientated, you are becoming a person that does not let one hurdle stop you, which is an important mind-set to have especially if you are experiencing personal hardships, job rejections or opportunities being denied to you, or promises that have been made but has not been materialised.

Looking to the future

Whilst lockdown has become the new norm and recruitment efforts may be on hold for various companies, for those who are on furlough or unemployed, there are companies that are hiring.

Recruitment and Online learning have pivoted online; If you feel you do not have the skillsets or experience to apply for the opportunities you want, use this time to explore ways to develop those valuable skills through online learning, so when a job opportunity emerges, you will be ready to seize it and have the skillset you require to apply for the role.

To help you develop your skillset, feel free to browse some of our past Cuppa Series and learn something new!

Written by James K Kaguima, Edited by Melissa Bain 
The Centre Team

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