Jan 04 2018
What are your learning resolutions?

Happy New Year! Quite often, we see January as a time for starting afresh and making changes. For a lot of people, that can mean signing up to an expensive gym or maybe drinking a cup of herbal tea that promises to make you feel great and change your life. This year, however, we think you should focus on your learning resolutions. It’s time to think about what you want to achieve professionally.

What do you want?

Everyone has a goal, and sometimes we can be guilty of losing sight of it or even getting in our own way. Sit down, have a cup of tea, and really think about you want to achieve over the next 12 months and what you need to do to get there; whether that’s a promotion, a career change, or even just feeling less stressed and more confident at work!

What’s stopping you?

Whilst it’s important to recognise what you want, you also need to think about what problems stand between you and your goal. Often we can be quick to blame things outside of our control, or even other people, but make sure you also focus on yourself and what you need to change. For example, if you want a promotion think about your confidence levels and assertiveness skills; you might realise that they need some work!

Create an action plan

The next stop is to put pen to paper and create an action plan. Write down what you want, what you need to overcome, and what you have to do. This piece of paper will come in handy if you start to lose sight of your goal, so make sure you keep it safe and look at it regularly. It can also be useful to tell a colleague, friend, or family member about your goal. Their support will push you even more to make those necessary changes!

Do it!

It’s all well and good planning the route to success, but you’ll have to do something if you want to reach that goal! Professional training is often a great tool for anyone looking to achieve and can be a useful no matter how close or far you are from your goal. Take a look at our courses here, we’re sure you’ll find something that can help you on your journey to success.

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