Mar 31 2016
Strategy courses at the Centre: which one should I choose?

We were recently asked by a delegate who attended one of our Strategy courses that run at the Centre:

                 ‘So what’s the difference between the one-day course and the two-day course?’

It was developed for people who have to implement a strategic plan that was perhaps formulated elsewhere, so it focuses on being strategic.

Many managers are now expected to plan more strategically (for their organisation or for their departments) so the course explores what this means, provides a five step planning process and covers some of the wider issues around being successful.

Our approach to strategy

The common thread though the Centre’s approach to strategy is that we emphasise outcomes – we encourage managers to think about what they are going to achieve rather than what they are going to do.

So, in an area such as ‘engagement’, we could help you specify more precisely exactly what this means and support you to develop a framework that could enable you to see the contribution existing programmes make.

Want to find out more?

If you would like to find out more about either our two-day Strategic planning and thinking skills or our one-day Strategy: from vision to implementation course, please feel free to call us on 020 7490 3030 to speak to a member of our team.

Following a general management career in the private sector, Howard has over 20 years' experience as a consultant, facilitator, trainer and coach specialising in personal and organisational development, strategy and performance improvement, and the management of change

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